

BITE-size... Get it?! Haha, can't let Hanaa have all the pun-fun :)


Highlands TBR

Click on the video to see the books that I brought with me on my holiday :)



Another topic that I have now mentioned three too many times on my channel.


"The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time" by Mark Haddon [REVIEW]

After putting this book down, I wondered why it had taken me so long to pick it up in the first place? Why had it taken an invitation to the stage production to give me that much needed push to finally read this?

I don't know. I can only be honest and say that while I always felt that The Curious Incident is one of those books that everyone else has read and that I really ought to read it (at some point), there wasn't any other pull towards this book. I guess I kind of felt like I had missed the boat entirely and nothing new or interesting can be gained from reading this book now.

Oh how wrong I was! This is such a clever book. The observations made by our main character, Christopher, were awe-inspiring. I mean that. I was awed. It felt like someone was showing me the world in a completely different light.

If you have never read this book then I strongly urge you to do so. It's a delight.



There really isn't much more to say. I pretty much cover it all during the video.

It better be a good book!


UNFRIENDED [Film Review]

One of the perks of my friend's job is that he gets discounted cinema tickets. In the days post-Orange Wednesday (waaaa..!) this is actually pretty awesome because cinema prices... are RIDICULOUS!!

He asked what I wanted to see and, considering how out of touch I am with film releases, I had no idea. A quick look on the Vue's website and "UNFRIENDED" caught my eye. After watching the trailer, my mind was made up. I didn't even bother watching any other trailers because I had decided that I wanted to see what this was all about!

Plus, it looked terrible. I mean, like one of those films where you'll actually laugh at how un-scary it is, there may be a couple jump-scares thrown in just to remind you what genre it is but on the whole, nothing terrifying.

But I was wrong! Well, at least about it being terrible. I definitely wouldn't class this as a scary film but I was very impressed with how engaged I was with the story. I absolutely LOVED the whole screen-capture element and how we are basically watching Blaire as she skips between windows and applications.

The biggest let-down for me was the last second. Literally. The last SECOND. Everything up to that point was so engaging and creepy and I enjoyed it so much but then BAM. The whole film just nosedived and I was sat there thinking, you have GOT to be kidding me.

But really, I can forgive it for this one second. I'll just pretend that never happened haha.



I was too embarrassed to mention The Midwich Cuckoos & The Stepford Wives again so for the time being, have reverted back to the good old fashioned TBR style video in which I show you the books I hope to read this month.

There are a couple that are definites, such as The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, which, as I type I've actually nearly finished. I'm going to see the stage production later this month and wanted to read the book before I went. Today has been a gloriously lazy day but that's probably due to my picking up the book early this morning just to get it started and then hours later discovering that I'm nearly finished. May have something to do with my brain excitedly lapping up anything that isn't Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, which I have been tackling since mid-February...

Also, this is the month where Let The Readalong In happens, the first ever readalong that I have created! Well, co-created. Hanaa from CravingBooks and I have been saying for ages that we should read a book together but have always had a bit of an issue with scheduling so have decided to read this Gothic Horror cult classic during May! I can't wait! And this is despite the fact that I have seen the original Swedish film adaptation and was not a fan. I vaguely remember a really stupid scene with some very fake looking cats...

I'll be rereading I AM OTTER as well. Have you guys read this book? If not, you should! It's a kids book but it's gorgeous! I'll hopefully dedicate a full blog post to this book at some point but for the time being, I'm actually gonna sign off. I'm meeting up with some of my fellow book clubbers and I'm hoping to persuade them to change the next book club date so that I can actually attend.

Until next time, thanks so much for reading and I'll see you soon!
