
January TBR

In case you were wondering, in the land of Booktubia, "TBR" stands for "To Be Read". It is, in essence, a reading "to do list", usually for whatever month we happen to be in (you will notice that this video is called "January TBR" because, after all, it is January). 

I've never done a traditional "TBR" video because, what with my general backlog of review videos, I just know that I will end up saying "I'll read this, this and this" and either read "that, that and something else" OR simply not finish any of them... and then the following month's TBR will end up being an embarrassing repeat of the previous month.

Ramble, ramble - point is, as much as I would love to be able to say with confidence "These are the books that I will read this month!", I just have to accept that I am not that type of reader... especially when I go ahead and take a bazillion months off and let the backlog of reviews pile up!

All four of these books were read in 2013. I know. Ridiculous. For some of them, I can hardly remember what actually happened in which case, I may possibly wind up winging the "review" or maybe have a sneak peak at Wiki before I start jotting down my thoughts. Regardless, it dawned on me that "TBR" could also stand for "To Be Reviewed". This is quite a happy coincidence as now there is no pressure to complete the book before the end of the month! Woohoo! 

Anyways, here is a handy list of the books I shall be REVIEWING in the month of January:

  • The Silent Land by Graham Joyce
  • The Stornoway Way by Kevin MacNeil
  • The Demon by Hubert Selby Jr.
  • Little Children by Tom Perrotta

All bar Little Children were picked for the book club I was a part of back in 2013 and, not to give any spoilers, but Little Children was the only one that I actually enjoyed reading (I enjoyed reading The Silent Land but I'll get into that in more detail in my next post.).

As always, you can CLICK HERE to purchase any of these books and kindly give me a penny or two worth of commission :) 

Speak soon.  

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