
October Book Haul

Wowzers, I look tired! This whole work/college scheduling of my life has started to take its toll, not only on my sleeping pattern but also on the time I spend reading. I get home from work and I'm exhausted. I get home from college and I'm shattered. I feel like all my time is spent doing stuff that needs to be done.

So naturally, I went on a book haul! 



Dusty Blog

I keep forgetting I have this blog.

Basically, I wanted all my blog posts to be pretty with lots of pictures of beautiful books and witty stuff written but then I quickly discovered that Scottish weather really is as bad as we say it is and I can't really rely on natural light (mainly because we rarely get any).

Sooo, I have had to reevaluate what my posts are going to be like and I think, for the time being, until I have invested in a decent set of lighting equipment, I'm just going to post links to my videos here with a bit more of a blurb about each one etc etc.

That's the idea anyways.

Here's a heart.